Honoring the von Trapp 
​and Whitehead Heritage



​​Georg & Agathe FOUNDATION

Grizzly Bear,1854

Painted by Charles Christian Nahl
City of Monterey Art Collection

Both lived in:

Grand Duchy


Both died in:

© G&A Foundation


Both died in:

from 800–1806

Grand Duchy

from 1806–1918

from 1815–1848

of Hesse*, existed


Kingdom of Holland

'Holland' has existed in many forms from 922 (with the lands of the first Counts of Holland) to the present. From 1091–1384, as County of Holland, it was a state under the Holy Roman Empire. From 1384–1482,  the County of Holland was a part of the larger Burgundian Netherlands, a personal union of Imperial and French fiefs. From 1482–1794 it was a part of the larger Habsburg Netherlands. Under Hapsburg rule, it was the Spanish Netherlands from 1556 and Austria Netherlands from 1714-1794. During this time between 1581–1795, Holland incorporated into the Dutch Republic. From 1806–1810, it was briefly the Kingdom of Holland, a client state of the First Republic ​of France. In 1813, the area was liberated and became part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. Today, North Holland and South Holland are provinces of The Netherlands.

Duchy of Saxe-


​Established as duchy in 1809, it was initially part of the Confederated States of the Rhine. From, 1867–1871 it was a Federal State of the North German Confederation. Then it incorporated into the German Empire from 1874–1918. At the end of WWI, it became the Free State of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, which merged two years later with the State of Thuringia, under the Weimar Republic. From 1933 to 1943, the territory was under the German Reich. After World War II, it remained a part of the federal state Thuringia within Western Germany. In 1990, with the reunification of Germany, the area became a federal state within Germany, which it remains to this day.

Tobias von Ziegler 

1772–1818 (m. 1805)

Born: Schaffhausen, Republic of Swiss

(today Schaffhausen, Switzerland) Parents: Tobias von Ziegler (1724-1753) and Dorothea Margaretha Peter im Hof (1731-1777)

Career: Merchant in Amsterdam; landowner in Schaffhausen & Treysa

Anna Margaretha Stephan  

1770–1833 (m. 1805)

Born: Treysa (today Treysa, Germany)

Parents: Unknown

Mother of four: Tobias Stephan von Ziegler, Anna 'Antje' von Ziegler—Georg's great-grandmother (m. Ernst Christian Wittekindt—Georg's great-grandfather), Gerhard von Ziegler, and Jeanette von Ziegler

French Empire

Both born in:

Grand Duchy

from 1806–1918

of Hesse*, existed

of Hesse*, existed

Grand Duchy

Wilhem Wiedekind 

1771–1847 (m. 1799)

Born: Rauschenberg, Landgraviate of Hesse, State of Holy Roman Empire (today Rauschenberg, Germany)​
Haina Hospital Administrator​ 

​Ernestine Friederike Fey 

1771–1850 (m. 1799)

Born: Merxhausen (today Merxhausen, Germany)

Mother of five: Ernst Christian Wittekindt—Georg's great-grandfather (m. Anna 'Antje' von Ziegler—Georg's great-grandfather)​, plus four more children

Republic of Swiss*,

Born in:

A State of Holy

of Hesse*, existed


A State of German

of Hesse*, existed

Ernst Christian Wittekindt

1802–1841 (m. 1828)

Born: Haina, Landgraviate of Hesse, a state of the Holy Roman Empire Germany (today Haina, Germany)

Career: Attorney at Treysa, Grand Duchy of Hesse, a state of the German Confederation (today Treysa, Germany)

Kingdom of



A State of German

German Empire*

A State of German

from 1815–1848

Flag Key

Grand Duchy

Kingdom of

of Hesse*, existed

A State of Holy

from 1815–1848

from 1300-1798

of Hesse*, existed

Lived in:

Born in:

Photo: © Georg & Agathe Foundation

Photo: © G&A Foundation

Lived & died in:

German Empire*, existed


*The Grand Duchy of Hesse was an independent country and state under the German Confederation which consisted of 67 independent states. It later was split, one section became the Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach under the federal state of the German Empire.
See Flag Key below for details

from 1806–1918


from 1567–1806

Duchy of Saxe-

from 1567–1806


from 1806–1918


Lived & died in:


from 1567–1806


German Empire

Clementine Emilie Nahl 

1783–1832 (m.1794)

Born: Location unknown

Talents: Painter and poetess from the famous artistic Nahl family; her
father was Johann August Nahl - the Younger​
Mother of seven: Emilie Wepler, Ludwig 'Louis' Wepler a.k.a. Taifur Bay, August Heinrich Wepler, Georg Clemens Wepler—Georg's grandfather (m. Anna Engeline Wittekindt—Georg's grandmother), plus three more children 

To learn more about the Nahls,  see the 'Historical Figures' section below.

Honoring Georg's Maternal Side, Great to 3x-Great-grandparents to the von Trapp Children

Johann Samuel Nahl - the Elder (1664–1727) 

5x-Great-grandfather of the von Trapp Children

His father was Matthias Nahl (1618–1668, generation 1), who was court carpenter to the principality of Ansbach. Johann Samuel (generation 2) was born in Annsbach (today Germany) and studied under Renz the Older, court sculptor in Bayreuth. In 1704 he became court sculptor to Frederic I of Prussia and Rektor of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Berlin. Sculpting weather-resistant plaster sculptures for castles in and around Berlin, he also worked on the equestrian statue of Friedrich Wilhelm I by Andreas Schlüter. His son was Johann August Nahl - the Elder (1710– 1781, generation 3).

Johann August Nahl - the Elder (1710–1781)

4x-Great-grandfather of the von Trapp Children

Johann August (generation 3) was born in Berlin and was an interior architect and stone & plaster sculptor. At age 18, he went on a European tour to study sculpting. After working in Strassburg, Berlin, and on sculpture and relief work for Frederic I of Prussia palaces, he moved to Switzerland for 9 years. In 1767, he became Professor of sculpture at the ‘Collegium Carolinum’ and at the newly founded Academy of the Arts in Kassel. His commissions included a statue of Landgraf Frederic II of Hesse-Kassel and work on the design of the Wilhelmsthal Palace Park for Landgraf Wilhelm VIII of Hesse. His commissioned work of a grave cover for Maria Magdalena Langhans was one of the most admired works of art in 18th century Europe. His sons were also artists, Johann Samuel Nahl the Younger and Johann August Nahl the Younger (generation 4). 

Johann Samuel Nahl & Johann August Nahl - the Youngers

4x-Great-uncle and 3x-Great-grandfather of the von Trapp Children

Johann Samuel Nahl the Younger (1748–1813, generation 4) was born by Bern, Switzerland and was an artist & professor at the Academy of Arts in Kassel. His brother Johann August Nahl the Younger (1752–1825, generation 4), also born in Bern, Switzerland was a painter of landscape and historical scenes. Johann August was taught sculpting by his father; in 1763/64 he studied painting under Johann Heinrich Tischbein the Elder, from 1765–1767 with Tanesch and Christoph von Bemmel, and from 1767–1770 in Bern with Emanuel Handmann. In 1773, Johann August went to the Academy of Arts in Paris and finally to Rome in 1774. Returning to Kassel he began his sepia landscapes and paintings. Later, he became the Painting Director at the Academy in Kassel.

5th & 6th Generation Nahl's

 Johann August Nahl - the Younger (generation 4) had several children of which only two survived. His daughter, Clementine Emilie Nahl (1783–1832, generation 5), Georg's great-grandmother, was well educated for a woman in her era and dedicated herself to the arts and poetry. His son Georg Valentin Nahl (1791–1857, generation 5) became a portrait artist and copper plate engraver in Kassel, Hesse. Georg Valentin's son, Carl Christian Heinrich Nahl (1818–1878, generation 6), later known as Charles Christian Nahl in the U.S.A., was already an accomplished watercolorist at age 12. Charles studied at the Academy of Art in Kassel, Hesse to become a painter, illustrator, and graphic artist. Later he emigrated with his family and artist friend, Frederick August Wenderoth in 1846 to Paris, France and then in 1848/49 to the United States. Finally settling in San Francisco, Charles Christian became the first major Californian artist and devoted himself to different artistic genres. Together with his half-brother, Hugo Wilhelm Nahl, and Frederick August Wenderoth, he opened a studio in San Francisco producing collaborative landscapes and commercial work. His pencil and watercolor ‘Grizzly’ is based on a live grizzly bear, Samson, from John 'Grizzly' Adams' menagerie in San Fransico; the painting later became the inspiration for the design of the bear on the California State flag. Charles Christian died of typhoid fever in San Francisco in his adopted country in 1878.   

from 1804–1814

of Swiss

A State of German


Duchy of Saxe-

German Conf.*,

from 1871–1918

Photo: Public Domain

Roman Empire*,

from 800–1806

A State of Holy

Died in:

A State of German

from 800–1806

from 1815–1848


Grand Duchy

Photo: City of Monterey

of Hesse

from 1806–1918

Grand Duchy

Canton of Schaffhausen

In the Middle Ages, Schaffhausen was a city-state. From 1330–1418, the Habsburg Monarchy ruled it. In 1454 the independent city allied with six Swiss confederates and another two in 1479.  In 1501, the area became a full member of the Old Swiss Confederation, known as the Republic of Swiss and an independent Canton from 1567–1806. It was occupied briefly by the French from 1798–1815. In 1815 the area became part of the re-established independent Republic of Swiss, known as Switzerland, later becoming a federal state in 1848. Switzerland stayed neutral during World War I and World War II. Today the area is still a Canton within Switzerland.

Born in :

California State Flag, standardized in 1953 

Design inspired by woodcut "Grizzly"

by Charles Christian Nahl (San Francisco, USA)


Holy Roman Emp.*,

Grand Duchy

from 1809–1903

from 1806–1810

from 1815–1848

of Hesse*, existed

 © G&A Foundation

Roman Empire*,

from 1806–1918

Photo: © G&A Foundation

of Hesse*, existed

*The Landgraviate of Hesse was an independent territory and state under the Holy Roman Empire; later it became the Grand Duchy of Hesse, an independent country and state under the German Confederation which consisted of 67 independent states. The Canton of Schaffhausen was a part of the Republic of Swiss.
See Flag Key below for details

Photo: © Georg & Agathe Foundation

The School of Athens

Painted by Johann August Nahl the Younger

Weimar, Schlossmuseum

from 800–1806

from 1871–1918



3x-Great-grandparents of the von Trapp Children

from 1806–1918

of Hesse*, existed

Georg Clemens Wepler 

1826–1901 (m. 1849)
Born: Cassel, Grand Duchy of Hesse, a state of the German Confederation

(today Kassel, Germany)

Career: Chief Railroad Station Inspector in Eisenach, Thüringen. As a young man, he was a Cadet in the Electorate of Hesse and denied the right to take his officers exam by the Elector of Hesse who had taken a disliking to his father, a County Judge. Georg Clemens was also denied studying law for this reason and therefore chose a career with the Prince Elector’s Wilhelmsbahn Train Company in Guntershausen. He rose from Stationmaster to Head of Station Class I, moved to Eisenach, Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach in 1853, the neighboring Electorate, and later retired as Railroad Inspector-General. 

Grand Duchy

of Hesse*, existed

Husband born in:

A Federal State of 

of Hesse*, existed


French Empire*,

from 1815–1848

from 1806–1918

A State of German

Client State of 1st

Canton of

from 1815–1848

Died in:

Anna Engeline Wittekindt 

1829–1920 (m. 1849)

Born: Treysa, Grand Duchy of Hesse, a state of  the German Confederation (today Treysa, Germany)

Mother of eight: Karl Wepler, Anna Wepler (m. Hugo Posse),Hedwig Emilie Wepler—Georg's mother (m. Capitan Johann August Ritter (Knight) von Trapp—Georg's father), Wilhelmine 'Minna' Wepler (professional pianist), Leopold Wepler (m. Katharina 'Kathchen' Meyer), Alma Elisabeth Wepler (m. Hermann Wilhelm Dreiheller), Karoline Wepler, and Elisabeth 'Else' Wepler (m. Paul Wilhelm Dreiheller)


German Conf.*, existed

A Federal State of 

from 1806–1918


A Federal State of

Born in:



Republic of

Canton of

2x-Great-grandparents of the von Trapp Children

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of Hesse*, existed

Died in:

from 1815–1848

A State of Holy

Georg Heinrich Wepler​ I

1763–1833 (m. date unknown)
Born: Hersfeld, Landgraviate of 

Hesse, state of Holy Roman Emp. 

(today Bad Hersfeld, Germany)


​Career: Attorney

Elisabeth Bücking

Dates unknown
Born: Location unknown​
Mother of (unknown number)Georg Heinrich Wepler II—Georg's great-grandfather (m. Clementine Emilie Nahl—Georg's great-grandmother), Ludwig Konard Wepler, and possibly more children

German Conf.*, existed

Both lived in:


Holland*, existed

Roman Empire*,

of Hesse*, existed

of Hesse

Great-grandparents of the von Trapp Children

Both lived &  died in:

Grand Duchy

Johann August Nahl - the Younger

​1752–1825 (m. 1798)

​Born: Clanne bei Bern, Switzerland; Kingdom of Prussia national​

Parents: Johann August Nahl the Elder and 

Career: Painter & Sculpter; Painting Director at Academy in Kassel 

To learn more about the Nahls,  see the 'Historical Figures' section below.

Christine Westren

Dates unknown

Born: Location unknown

Mother of (unknown number): Clementine Emilie Nahl—Georg's great-grandmother (m. Georg Heinrich Wepler—Georg's great-grandfather), Georg Valentin Nahl, plus a few more children

from 1815–1848

German Conf.*,

Photo: Wikimedia by Dguendel

*The Landgraviate of Hesse was an independent territory and state under the Holy Roman Empire; later it became the Grand Duchy of Hesse, an independent country and state under the German Confederation which consisted of 67 independent states. At the time, the Kingdom of Holland was a client state of the 1st French Empire.
See Flag Key below for details

Historical Figures - Nahl Family of Artists


Died in:


From 1264–1567 the Landgraviate of Hesse was a single entity and state of the Holy Roman Empire. From 1567-1806, it was divided into two states within the Empire, Hesse-Kassel and Hesse-Darmstadt. From 1806–1871, it was an independent country and state under the German Confederation, known as the Grand Duchy of Hesse.  In 1871, Hesse lost its country status when it joined the German Empire, but remained a Duchy. The Duchy ​ended in 1918 with the German Revolution and end of World War I, when it became the People's State of Hesse (Volksstaat Hessen) within the Weimar Republic. From 1933 to 1943, the territory was under the German Reich. After World War II, it was renamed Hesse and incorporated as a federal state within Western Germany. In 1990, with the reunification of Germany, Hesse became a federal state within Germany, which it remains to this day.

FAMILY TREE: Wepler / Wittekindt / Nahl / Ziegler 

FREE: Updates and history trivia

from 1567–1806



from 800–1806

Georg Heinrich Wepler II

1794–1861 (m. 1794)
Born: Marburg, Landgraviate of Hesse, a state of the Holy Roman Empire (today Marburg, Germany)

Career: County Judge in Cassel, Grand Duchy of Hesse, a state of the German Confederation (today Kassel, Germany)

Anna 'Antje' von Ziegler 

1808–1860 (m. 1828)

Born: Amsterdam, Kingdom of Holland, of the 1st French Empire (today Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Mother of sixAnna Engeline Wittekindt—Georg's grandmother (m. Georg Clemens Wepler—Georg's grandfather), Ernestine Wittekindt, Emilie Wittekindt, Friederike Wittekindt, Wilhelm Wittekindt, and Wilhelmine Wittekindt


Born in:

A State of German

Photo: © G&A Foundation

Grand Duchy


Duchy of Saxe-

from 1809–1903

from 800–1806

Holy Roman Emp.*,


from 1806–1918

Johann Gottlieb Metzler

Dates unknown

Born: location unknown

Career: ​Hesse Military Major (Fürstlich-Hessischer Major)​ 

Johanna Katharina Moter

Dates unknown

Born: location unknown

​Mother of unknown # of children

Client State of 1st

of Hesse*, existed

from 1567–1806

Roman Empire

from 1567–1806